Oral Health

Our Oral Health Therapists, Tanya and Lily are fully trained and passionate about the achievement of a healthy and hygienic mouth, with special emphasis on the prevention and treatment of gum disease. Gum disease affects the gums and the bone that support your teeth. Having gum disease can be likened to having bad foundations under your house.

Tanya and Lily’s work involves:

  • Removal of tartar and plaque that can cause gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath

  • Suggestions and coaching in how to implement individualised preventive homecare plans, including dietary advice to stabilise and prevent gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath

  • Cosmetically improving the appearance of the teeth by the removal of staining and tartar

  • Treatment of gum inflammation (gingivitis) and gum disease (periodontitis)

  • Implant care and maintenance

  • Treatment planning and diagnosis in collaboration with our dentists

  • Removal of surface staining/enamel polishing

Whilst hygienist appointments may feel like an extra cost they can be cost effective, providing you with good oral hygiene and save you both time and money in the longer term.